
Tag links can be used to connect related tags with each other. The connected tags can for example be synonyms, translations, or child and parent in a taxonomy. The exact type of the link does not need to be specified; the Starmind algorithm will automatically determine when a link between two tags is relevant. Tag links are mainly used in the expert search. When insufficient experts can be found using the tags that are explicitly provided with a question, tag links are explored to expand the pool of potential experts for the question.

Get linked tags by tag label

GET /tag-labels/:TAGLABEL/links

Use percent encoding for special characters in the :TAGLABEL segment of the endpoint URL.


HTTP 404 NOT FOUND if the tag with given label does not exist.

    "London", "UK", "Britain"

Set tag links by tag label

PUT /tag-labels/:TAGLABEL/links

Use percent encoding for special characters in the :TAGLABEL segment of the endpoint URL.

INFO:Replaces all existing links!

Json Payload


Tags that don't exist yet are created automatically.


HTTP 404 NOT FOUND if the tag with given label does not exist.

The list of linked tags
