Logging of search queries and clicks

Logging which search queries are executed, as well as which results are clicked on by a user, is strongly recommended for two reasons:

  1. The algorithm can learn from a user's search behaviour and refine the user's know-how profile.
  2. KPI statistics about the number of searches provide an important indicator for how a network is performing.

Logging search clicks

POST /search/log/:questionId/click
Parameter Type Default Required Description
search_query_id integer - The id that was returned when logging the search query.
rank integer - The position of the clicked question in the search results.

Json Payload

    "search_query_id": "2",
    "rank": 3

Create a log entry when a user clicks on one of the results after using the question search. The search query that was used needs to be logged beforehand, which creates a search query id that must be used as a parameter to this request.

The rank of the question that was clicked on within the search results must also be logged, which makes a more detailed analysis of the search behaviour of users possible.

Logging similar question clicks

POST /search/log/:questionId/similar-question-click
Parameter Type Default Required Description
title string - The title that was used to obtain the similar questions.
description string - The description that was used to obtain the similar questions.
rank integer - Optionally, the position of the clicked question in the similar question results.

Create a log entry when a user clicks on one of the results after using the similar question search while writing a new question. The values of the title and description input fields that were used to obtain the similar questions, can be provided as a reference.

Optionally, the rank of the question that was clicked on within the similar questions can also be logged, which makes a more detailed analysis of the search behaviour of users possible.